Chef Ryan Callahan and Cooking for Chemo News
This page is up-to date with all of our news information
June 2018
Cancer Survivorship Summit
Chef Ryan was once again featured on the news in Evansville IN!
May 2018
Guest OncoLink Blog -Why does food taste bad?
An Excerpt: In my last blog post, I defined what your senses are and how they come into play during the eating experience. As a refresher, I showed that you experience food with all five of your senses.(Taste, Touch, Sight, Smell and Sound), and that all of that information is filtered through your memories and associations to help decide how you feel about the food that you are eating. Today, I am going to teach you a little more about why food tastes bad to chemo patients, and a few ways to figure out precisely what it is that is putting your appetite off of its game….
Read the rest of the blog here:
April 2018
Chef Ryan on the News in Evansville
On his recent trip to Gilda’s Club Evansville, Chef Ryan was interviewed my the local Fox affiliate about Cooking for Chemo.
See the video here:
March 2018
Chef Ryan is now an OncoLink Blogger
Check out his latest blog here:
February 2018
Article for World Cancer Day with IHadCancer
As I sit in my booth at Wizard World ComicCon, I was trying to come up with inspiration to finish writing this blog post. I had a solid 280 word blog post written, that was good, but not great. I know what World Cancer Day means to me, but what did it mean to you, the reader? Then at the end of the day, a 17 year old girl came over dressed as a video game character and began to talk with me. We laughed, we joked, and I gave her the spheil on my new cookbook. This intrigued her and she began to color in my new book at our coloring station. As we talked we delved deeper and deeper into her life until she confided in me that she had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 12.
January 2018
2018 Gourmand Award "Most Innovative Cookbook"
The International Gourmand Cookbook Awards just announced the winners for their 2018 shortlist!
Chef Ryan Callahan won “Most Innovative Cookbook in the USA” and now goes on to compete in his category for “Best in the World.” Chef Ryan is 1 of 17 competing for the “Best in the World” title for “Most Innovative Cookbook.” Click on the logo to see his placing. (Category A-10) or click here:
What makes Chef Ryan’s How-to-Cook Cookbook so Innovative?
Learn more about the Gourmand Award winning book here:
Interview with Gilda's Club Evansville, IN
Chef Ryan’s family was no stranger to cancer, and when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, his life, including being a chef, took a twist as he became the primary caregiver for her for about a year. He noticed how difficult it was for her to enjoy food because of the side effects of treatment with many things smelling and tasting weird for her.
“I reached out to national organizations for tips and tricks to help,” he explained. “Even though they had informational pamphlets, no one really had any answers.”
September 2017
10 Men Who Embody The Meaning of Strength
I am honored to be added to THIS LIST! Click HERE to read the article.
April 2017
We are now a recommended resource by KOMEN NYC.
March 2017
Conquer Magazine Shares our Lent Recipes
Recommended for World Book Day by IHadCancer
Feburary 2017
Conquer Magazine Recipe Slideshow
Conquer-Magazine has created a slideshow of our recipes available on their website!
IHadCancer – How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean and Safe During Treatment
December 2016
Conquer Magazine Article and Recipes
November 2016
Recommended by IHadCancer
Interview with Conquer Magazine's Digital Editor, John Parkinson
October 2016
Chef Ryan Callahan's Featured Article on
August 2016
Conquer Magazine Article
Children's Cause Cancer Advocacy Recommends Cooking for Kids With Cancer
Review of Chef Ryan’s book, Cooking for Kids with Cancer by Jess Kean from Children’s Cause Cancer Advocacy
Click Here to read the article: Book Lovers’ Day: This Year’s Recommendation
July 2016

Chef Ryan’s Featured Article on
Talk of the Town with Angella Sharpe
Angella Sharpe interviewed Chef Ryan Callahan about his new book, Cooking for Kids with Cancer. Aired July 17th on 92.3 WIL, 106.5 The Arch, and 101.1 ESPN Radio.
June 2016
Chef Ryan Callahan made Live Better With’s 21 Most Helpful US Cancer Blogs
Click HERE to see the list (Bad Link)
Chicken Tikka Masala Video Recipe
Click here to watch our cooking show and recipe hosted by
Cooking for Chemo LIVE: How to make Chicken Tikka Masala
May 2016
Cooking for Chemo and Chef Ryan in Caregiver Magazine’s May-June 2016 Issue -Page 14
Chef Ryan was a guest on Breast Friends Cancer Support Radio Network
Listen to him answer callers cooking questions here: Breast Friends ft Cooking for Chemo
Chef Ryan’s Featured Article on

Guest on Dave Williams’s show Find Your New Normal
CONQUER Article April Print Edition
April 2016
Conquer Magazine Article By: John Parkinson, Digital Editor
March 2016

Chef Ryan’s Featured Articles on
Tips for Relieving the Dreading Nausea from Chemo
Cooking for Chemo …and After! and Chef Ryan Callahan were featured in an article by for World Book Day!
9 Books Written by Cancer Fighters, Survivors, Supporters #WorldBookDay
Febuary 2016
Chef Ryan Featured in West Newsmagazine
Released Feb 25th, 2016
Local Cookbook Receives National Recognition By Jim Erickson, West Newsmagazine

Cooking for Chemo …and After! Wins a Book Award
Announced Feb 12th, 2016
Gourmand World Cookbook Award Winner 2016
Health and Nutrition (USA)

Chef Ryan Discusses Cooking for Chemo and World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day Feb 10th: London, England
Discussed Cooking for Chemo …and After!
LIVE on-air with Darren Adam
LBC (Leading Britain’s Conversation.)
January 2016

Chef Ryan Callahan’s Cooking for Chemo Recipes Featured on
December 2015

Featured on

October 2015

Chef Ryan Callahan Interviewed in West Newsmagazine
August 2015
Chef Ryan Callahan's First Interview
The Daily Mix with Angella Sharpe
Interview starts @ 11:23 -17:40 mark