Benefits of Cooking for Chemo

Benefits of Cooking for Chemo

Cooking for Chemo …and After! is a helpful cookbook for cancer-fighters, cancer caregivers, oncology doctors, oncology nurses, patient navigators, and dietitians. It is a friendly cookbook, that holds your hand through the entire learning how to cook experience and helps to take your cooking skills to new heights.

What we aimed to do with Cooking for Chemo …and After! was to remove all the confusion of “eat this food not that food,” separate out the biased rhetoric,  eliminate any form of judgement, and simply teach you a fun and life changing skill that helps people of all stripes overcome the most difficult time of their life. We could list out specific benefits like the fact that Cooking for Chemo teaches you how to combat metallic tastes, loss of appetite, nausea, mouth sores and dehydration. Or, we could give you a big pitch that using our cookbook will help ward off malnutrition, increase long term survivorship rates and prevent starvation. But, that’s not who we are. Who we are is a husband and wife team that wants to help improve your quality of life.

Cooking for Chemo …and After! is a how-to-cook cookbook that teaches how to make your food taste good again during and after cancer and chemotherapy treatments. Cooking for Chemo …and After! has 90 pages of how-to cook instructions and just over 150 pages of easy and healthy recipes to test your newfound culinary skills on.

We recently launched our brand new online cooking show: Cooking for Chemo LIVE! On our show, we teach you how to cook and apply the Cooking for Chemo techniques. Chef Ryan also takes the time to explain why you do certain things when cooking. This will help you to learn to be a better cook and begin to apply these techniques to your own favorite recipes.

The biggest difference that you will experience with Cooking for Chemo is our self-help attitude that we take in the cookbook and our cooking show. We believe that you can not only learn how to cook, but how to cook extremely well. You simply need to practice the flavor and cooking techniques that we teach you and practice every single day.

With this new knowledge, you will even be able to take on more advanced recipes and adapt these recipes to fall in line with your flavor preferences. So, take up the challenge, empower yourself, learn a new skill, and liberate your life from debilitating cancer and chemotherapy treatment side effects.